Waste-to-Energy Fundamentals

Course Number: 114
The Waste-to-Energy Fundamentals textbook covers the fundamentals of waste combustion - characteristics and handling of MSW fuel, furnace designs, waste combustion, and plant operations.
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Recommended Contact Hours – 14
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Waste Combustion
Topics: Benefits of converting waste to energy; Environmental regulations; The Clean Air Act; Permit program; Reporting procedures
Learning Objectives:
- Summarize the history of waste handling.
- List some problems associated with landfills and the benefits of waste-to-energy conversion.
- Name the federal regulations that apply to MWCs.
- Explain how NSPS regulations affect the operation of
Chapter 2: Characteristics of MSW Fuel
Topics: MSW definitions, classification, and composition; MSW handling safety; MSW and refuse-derived fuel; MSW compared to fossil fuels
Learning Objectives:
- State the definition of MSW and list some kinds of waste excluded from MSW.
- Explain the various methods of classifying MSW.
- Discuss safety concerns related to the handling of MSW.
- Explain the differences between mass-burn MSW and RDF.
- Compare and contrast MSW and fossil fuels.
Chapter 3: MSW Handling
Topics: Solid materials flow path; Weight scale operation; Tipping floor and refuse pit; Receiving and feeding equipment; Front-end conveyor systems; Feed systems; Ash removal
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the MSW flow in a mass-burn and an RDF facility.
- Explain the responsibilities of the weight scale operator.
- Describe the tipping floor and refuse pit.
- Explain how odors are managed in an MSW facility.
- List typical receiving and feeding equipment and explain its functions.
- Describe how conveyors are used in a typical RDF facility.
Chapter 4: Furnace Designs
Topics: MWC designs; Mass-burn designs; Rotary combustors; RDF designs
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the impact of corrosion on MWC design.
- Describe mass-burn and RDF feed systems.
- Explain the operation of the following types of stokers: reciprocating grate, reversed reciprocating grate, oscillating grate, roller grate, and traveling grate.
- Define and contrast overfire air and underfire air and explain why the control of combustion air is important.
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a rotary combustor.
Chapter 5: Municipal Waste Combustion
Topics: The combustion process; Theoretical and excess air; Heating value; Charging rate; Combustor capacity; Combustion temperatures; Reaction rates; Air pollution control equipment; Slag and soot
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the combustion process as it occurs in a municipal waste combustor.
- Name the two main factors that determine feed rate.
- Define the terms theoretical air and excess air and tell why they are important.
- Explain the use of common air pollution control equipment and processes.
- Tell how soot and slag are formed and how they are removed.
Chapter 6: Ash Handling and Material Recovery
Topics: Characteristics of MSW ash; Safety and handling requirements; Ash treatment and testing; Transport and loading systems; Material recovery
Learning Objectives:
- List the major ash handling equipment.
- Describe the ash treatment and testing program.
- List the materials recovered from ash.
- List some potential uses for ash.
Chapter 7: Integrated Plant Operations
Topics: Principles of plant operation; Operator training; Upset conditions; Operating procedures; Troubleshooting; Basic plant economics
Learning Objectives:
- State the main responsibilities of an MWC operator.
- Define the terms turnover, parameter, and walkdown as they relate to MWC operations.
- Explain the importance of operator training.
- Describe the three upset conditions in an MWC that can be dangerous to personnel and property.
- List the causes and symptoms of common MWC process problems.
- List the three sources of profit in a typical MWC.
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