Using Steam in the Power Plant

Course Number: 113
The Using Steam in the Power Plant textbook covers how to conserve energy in turbines, auxiliaries, electric power generation, and air-conditioning systems.
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Chapter 1: Turbines
Topics: Types; Operating principles; Condensers; Heat rejection; Thermal pollution; Boiler, turbine, and generator efficiency
Learning Objectives:
- Name the five main parts of a steam turbine system and explain the function of each.
- Contrast the operating principle of an impulse turbine and a reaction turbine.
- Define the terms tandem compound and cross compound.
- Explain how a condenser improves turbine efficiency.
- Explain how an overspeed trip is activated.
- List three causes of turbine rotor vibration.
- Name the main cause of bearing failure in a turbine.
Chapter 2: Boiler Instrumentation, Controls, and Safety
Topics: Boiler Instrumentation, Controls, and Safety - Pressure, flow, and temperature gauges; Manometers; Water glasses; Combustion and feedwater control; Safety devices
Learning Objectives:
- Define the term variable.
- Describe the three main classes of boiler instruments.
- List the four variables on which boiler instrumentation usually provides data.
- Name the four common types of pressure gauges, and describe the characteristics and uses of each.
- Name and describe the three types of flowmeters commonly used in power plants.
- Name and describe the four types of temperature gauges commonly used in power plants.
- Describe the uses for gauge glass assemblies in power plant instrumentation.
- Explain the purpose of combustion control systems and describe the three basic kinds.
- Describe the three kinds of feedwater regulators.
- Explain the importance of safety valves and flame safety devices in power plants.
Chapter 3: Electrical Power Fundamentals
Topics: Power in DC circuits; AC current; Generators; Phase difference; Power factor; Three-phase systems; Transformers; Metering principles
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the basic principles of electricity and electric power, including the significance of Ohm's Law
- Identify the parts of an electrical circuit and describe the function of each part
- Contrast series and parallel circuits
- Explain the difference between the two main groups of generators and further describe each group in terms of its sources of mechanical power
- Define phase difference and power factor, and describe a three-phase system
- Explain the function of a transformer
- Describe the variety of metering instruments used to measure the value of electric energy
- Explain the purpose of an electric distribution system, and list the three main kinds
- Name four kinds of protective equipment used in power systems
Chapter 4: Electrical Systems Analysis
Topics: Demand considerations, analysis, and cost; Power factor correction; Synchronous motors; Transformer losses; Maintenance
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the purpose of a line diagram.
- List the four kinds of charges normally found on a power bill.
- Define peak demand.
- Calculate a plant's load factor.
- Describe the steps involved in performing demand analysis.
- Calculate demand cost and explain the effect of short demand peaks on billing.
- Define power factor and explain how it is calculated, what causes it to be low, and how it can be improved.
- List the types of power losses that occur in transformers and describe the cause of each.
- Explain how to maintain protective devices, cable systems, and generators and motors.
- Explain the importance of energy conservation in power plants.
Chapter 5: Air-Conditioning Systems
Topics: Basic cycle; Compressors; Condensers; Evaporators; Metering devices; Accessories; Controls; Air handling; Maintenance practices
Learning Objectives:
- Define relative humidity and explain how it is measured
- Define the terms refrigeration ton and refrigeration effect
- used in air-conditioning systems
- Name and describe the three kinds of condensers used in air-conditioning systems
- List the metering devices used in an air-conditioning system and explain their uses
- List the accessories and controls that are found in an air-conditioning system and state their purposes
- Describe the air-handling system and its components
- Explain how to measure velocity pressure and static pressure
- Explain several maintenance practices that will improve the efficiency of an air-conditioning system.
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