Principles of Industrial Technology

Course Number: 705
The Principles of Industrial Technology textbook was designed for a brief introductory course which touches on safety, measurement, blueprint reading, and other topics of interest.
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Recommended Contact Hours – 24
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Chapter 1: Safety
Topics: Responsibility for safety; Unsafe acts and conditions; Recognizing hazards; Types of accidents; Investigation; Handling emergencies
Learning Objectives:
- Define the terms accident and hazard.
- Name and define the four main types of hazards.
- List and define various types of accidents.
- Compare meanings of the terms unsafe act and unsafe condition.
- Name the three ways in which a toxic substance can enter your body.
- List ways in which a company must plan for emergencies.
- Tell the main reason for prompt accident investigation.
Chapter 2: Measurement Principles
Topics: Length; Area; Volume; Angles; Time; Speed and velocity; Mass and weight; Force; Work and power; Pressure; Temperature; Electricity; Units; Measurement error; Tolerances; Scales and rules; Scribers and dividers; Bevel gauge; Calipers; Combination square; Using a micrometer
Learning Objectives:
- Identify various units of measurement.
- State the definition of the joule, the coulomb, and the horsepower.
- Explain how to calculate pressure.
- Explain the difference between mass and weight.
- Demonstrate how to measure the volume of an object.
- Explain the difference between the Celsius scale and the Fahrenheit scale.
- List five units used for making linear measurements.
- Demonstrate how to use a micrometer.
- Explain what each head of a combination square is used for.
- State the definition of parallax error.
- Define the different types of tolerance.
Chapter 3: Mechanical Drives
Topics: Couplings in industry; Coupling characteristics; Shaft alignment; Coupling hubs; Solid, jaw, molded rubber, chain, gear, metal disc, and metal grid couplings; Uses of belt drives; Belt drive terminology; V-belts; Timing and flat belts; Sheaves; Pulleys; V-belt installation; Chain drive terminology; Roller, double-pitch, leaf, silent, and steel drive chains; Cast chain drives; Sprockets; Chain drive installation
Learning Objectives:
- List three functions usually performed by a coupling.
- Name three kinds of misalignment.
- Describe two types of jaw couplings.
- Name an application for molded rubber couplings.
- State an advantage of chain type couplings.
- Name the factors that affect the power transmitted by a belt drive.
- List the main components of a belt drive.
- Name the standard V-belt designations.
- Explain the reason for group belts.
- Describe installation and replacement procedures for V-belts.
- Explain the main differences between chain drives and belt drives in transmitting power.
- Explain the operating principle of a roller chain drive.
- Describe the construction of offset roller chain.
- Explain the differences between sprocket types A, B, and C.
- List the steps in installing a chain drive.
Chapter 4: Blueprint Reading
Topics: Detail drawings; Notes and dimensions; Assembly and pictorial drawings; Orthographic projections; Auxiliary views; Sections; Simple machines; Screw threads; Heads; Rivets; Welds; Pins; Keys; Springs; Gears; Bearings; Belts and pulleys
Learning Objectives:
- Identify details, markings, and machine parts from an assembly drawing.
- Identify an object from an orthographic drawing.
- Identify elements located within the title block of a detail drawing.
- Explain why more than one orthographic projection is needed to show an object on a blueprint.
- Describe what a machine is, and explain what it does.
- Name the two basic methods of joining machine parts.
- Name and identify from an exhibit several types of threaded fasteners.
- Name the two basic methods of permanent joining.
- Identify gears, bearings, and belt drives on drawings.
- Identify types of screw threads from a specification.
Chapter 5: Reading Technical Diagrams
Topics: Using schematics; Electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and piping schematics; Looking for flow; Electrical current; Fluid flow; Common features in schematics; Creating and using the schematic; Identifying symbols and connections; Reading diagrams
Learning Objectives:
- State the definition of a schematic.
- List some characteristics of schematics.
- Identify a schematic among other kinds of technical drawings and diagrams.
- Explain how flow is indicated on a schematic.
- Identify various types of lines on schematics
- Identify the following schematics by their symbols:
Piping - Give the purpose of legends and other tables of symbols.
- Describe a set-by-step approach to troubleshooting when using a schematic.
Chapter 6: Piping Systems
Topics: Nature of fluids; Keeping fluids clean and moving; Piping system maintenance, insulation, and layout; Valves, fittings, supports, and hangers; Elbows, return bends, tees, cross-fittings, reducers, caps, plugs, and couplings; Screwed, welded, and flanged connections; Expansion joints; Vibration dampeners; Schematic symbols; Valve function, terminology, construction, and sizes; Gate, globe, needle, ball, butterfly, plug, check, and quick-opening valves; Connections and maintenance
Learning Objectives:
- Describe what typical piping systems consist of, and explain their importance to plant operations.
- Identify common valves and fittings, pipe hangers and supports.
- Describe the effects of temperature on piping system components, and explain the need for insulation.
- List routine maintenance considerations for piping systems.
- Discuss the main functions of fittings.
- Identify common pipe and tube fittings.
- Contrast screwed, flanged, and welded connections, and tell why one type of joint may be preferred for a given application.
- Explain how expansion joints and vibration dampeners work.
- Demonstrate a knowledge of the symbols used to represent joints and fittings on schematic drawings of piping systems.
- Explain the various ways in which valves control fluid flow in piping systems.
- Identify gate, globe, needle, ball, butterfly, plug, and check valves, and tell what each is used for.
- Explain how and why quick-opening valves are used in industrial piping applications.
- Describe routine inspection, lubrication, and maintenance procedures for common valves.
Chapter 7: Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Topics: Force, weight, mass, pressure, work, power, and energy; Incompressibility; Nondiffusion; Hydrostatic pressure; Pascal's Law; Fluid power transmission; Bernoulli's principle; Fluid power systems; Force, weight, and mass; Pressure; Work and energy; Diffusion and dispersion; Compressibility; Laws of pneumatics; Leverage; Air properties and flow; Bernoulli's Law; Components
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the difference between absolute and gauge pressure.
- Demonstrate how power is calculated.
- Explain Pascal's Law.
- Describe the difference between laminar and turbulent flow.
- Name the main components of a hydraulic system.
- Explain how force is transmitted in a pneumatic system.
- Calculate force and work.
- List two factors that affect the results of pressure calculations.
- Explain pneumatic leverage.
- Briefly explain the physical laws affecting the behavior of a confined gas.
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