Heating System Equipment

Course Number: 443
The Heating System Equipment textbook covers the hardware associated with heating systems, including gas and oil furnaces, electric systems, solid-fuel and hydroponic systems, and finally some alternative systems-solar heating, heat pumps, and fuel cells. Includes a discussion of furnace performance criteria, return air systems, and the importance of filters.
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Chapter 1: Gas Heating Equipment
Topics: Gas heating basics; Gaseous fuels; Combustion air; Furnace categories; Furnace components for heat production, ignition, venting; Conditioned air system; Heating system controls; Service procedures
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the main parts of the furnace system, both those that produce the heat and those that distribute the heated air, and describe the four basic furnace configurations.
- Discuss the differences between natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the hazards associated with each fuel, and the heating rates of each fuel.
- Discuss the purposes of the primary and secondary air supplies to the combustion chamber and compare the characteristics of category I, III, and IV gas furnaces.
- Describe how the gas is introduced, mixed with the air, and burned in the heatproducing components of the furnace.
- Describe several burner ignition methods and safety shutdown measures in case of flame failure.
- Discuss the basic sequence of furnace operation and the controls required.
- Describe common service procedures for gas heating systems and discuss safety.
Chapter 2: Oil Heating Equipment
Topics: Oil heating basics; Fuel oils; Burner components; Pumps; Nozzles; Blowers; Electrodes; Transformer and controls; Fuel supply; Heat exchangers and combustion chamber; Combustion efficiency; Service procedures
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the similarities and differences between oil furnaces and gas furnaces.
- Name two common fuel oils and discuss the relationships between grades of fuel, viscosity, and temperature.
- Compare the requirements and operation of oil burner systems having the storage tank above the furnace to those having the tank below the furnace.
- Explain the reason for atomizing fuel oil and describe nozzle action and spray patterns.
- Describe the function of blower components that provide combustion air.
- Explain the purpose of the electrodes, transformer, and controls in an oil burner system.
- Discuss various ways of testing for combustion efficiency and describe common servicing procedures for oil burner systems.
Chapter 3: Electric Heating Systems
Topics: Electric heating basics; Advantages and disadvantages of electric heating; Electric heating applications; Electric baseboard heating; Radiant ceiling heating panels; Electrically heated walls, floors; Forced-air electric furnaces; Forced-air control system; service tips
Learning Objectives:
- Describe the characteristics of the electric wire used for resistance heating elements.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of electric heating systems.
- Explain how electric baseboard heating is applied to smaller facilities.
- Describe basic designs for radiant systems and discuss heating element safety.
- Describe the function of each main component in an electric forced-air furnace.
- Follow a wiring diagram to discuss the operation of an electric furnace including startup, shutdown, and safety features.
Chapter 4: Solid-Fuel Furnaces and Furnace Performance Criteria
Topics: Coal furnaces; Stoker classifications; Coal furnace control systems; Wood furnaces; Dualfuel furnaces; Furnace performance criteria
Learning Objectives:
- Explain why coal is in decline as a heating fuel and describe the layout of a coal furnace.
- Compare various kinds of mechanical stokers and explain why each kind is used.
- Describe the functions of furnace safety and operating controls.
- Discuss the basic requirements of wood-burning furnaces.
- Discuss the benefits and function of dual-fuel furnaces.
- Explain how to use furnace efficiency formulas, including the AFUE system.
Chapter 5: Hydronic Systems
Topics: Hydronic basics; Thermal, hydraulic, distribution systems; Additional system components; Radiant panel systems; Heating/cooling systems; Control methods; Domestic water heating; MTW and HTW systems; Freeze protection; Altitude considerations; Air elimination
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss how water can be used in residential and light commercial buildings to provide heating and cooling.
- Discuss the relationships between the five basic components of hydronic systems and describe the functions of the expansion tank and centrifugal pump.
- Compare the layouts and uses of series (one-pipe) and parallel (two-pipe and four-pipe) distribution systems.
- Discuss the use of radiant panels, heating/cooling systems, and domestic water heating.
- Name characteristics that make MTW and HTW systems economical for large commercial and industrial systems and explain why the simpler LTW systems are used for residences and small commercial buildings.
- Explain how to provide freeze protection, how to adjust for high altitude, and how to eliminate air from the system.
Chapter 6: Other Heating System Equipment
Topics: Fireplaces; Other in-space heaters; Solar heating; Heat pump systems; Fuel cells; Return air systems; Filters
Learning Objectives:
- Describe various kinds of fireplaces and the resulting level of efficiency.
- Discuss the three flue-venting arrangements in newer fireplaces.
- Discuss various kinds of in-space heaters and their use in residences and commercial and industrial facilities.
- Discuss the basics of solar heating and describe various kinds of solar heaters used for building cooling and heating.
- Discuss the emerging technology of fuel cells for heating and electric power generation.
- Explain why certain locations are preferred for supply and return vents in forced-air heating systems.
- Discuss today's filtration systems and IAQ concerns.
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