Electrical Troubleshooting

Course Number: 730.1
The Electrical Troubleshooting textbook covers use of schematic diagrams, determining sequence of operation, and the use of building diagrams and single-line diagrams. It includes troubleshooting procedures for control circuits and combination starters and explains troubleshooting practices on DC and AC motors, identifying unmarked leads on three-phase delta and Y-connected motors, and troubleshooting lighting systems.
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Recommended Contact Hours – 15
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Troubleshooting with Electrical Schematics
Topics: Symbols; Elementary diagrams; Power control and motor-starting circuits; Identifying conductors; Control panel layout; Sequence of operation
Learning Objectives:
- Identify a control relay on an electrical schematic.
- State the NEC requirements for fuses in ungrounded conductors.
- Explain component numbering on electrical schematics.
- Explain how conductors in a motor-control circuit are identified.
Chapter 2: Troubleshooting with Building Drawings
Topics: Architectural drawings; Installation diagrams; Electrical symbols on blueprints; Substation and power-installation drawings; Circuit tracing
Learning Objectives:
- Name the kinds of drawings used by electrical specialists.
- Identify electrical symbols commonly used for building diagrams.
- Describe a one-line diagram.
- Discuss the different types of drawing characteristics.
Chapter 3: Troubleshooting Control Circuits
Topics: Control-circuit functions; Conditions of protection; Troubleshooting pushbutton, sequence/control, motor, and overload circuits
Learning Objectives:
- Explain how severe three-phase voltage unbalance affects a three-phase motor.
- List the advantages of inherent protection.
- Explain how undervoltage release works.
- Describe how to troubleshoot a motor circuit.
Chapter 4: Troubleshooting Combination Starters
Topics: Using relay-troubleshooting charts; Latching-relay and timing-relay checks; Replacing relay coils; Troubleshooting control circuits, starters, and relays
Learning Objectives:
- List the reasons why a magnet coil burns or short-circuits.
- List the steps in troubleshooting a defective motor.
- Explain how a mechanical latching relay works.
- Explain how an electronic timing relay operates.
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting Control Devices
Topics: Reversing controllers; Using a checking-sequence chart; Autotransformer starters; Multi-speed motor starter controls
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate how to reverse the rotation of a three-phase induction motor.
- Explain the function of limit switches in reversing-motor applications.
- Describe how to use a checking-sequence chart.
- Select the best starter for use where it is undesirable to put a heavy load on the power supply.
- Explain how to change the speed of a squirrel-cage motor.
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Special Controls
Topics: Selenium rectifiers; Testing rectifier diodes and three-phase rectifiers; Control-system logic; Static control; Time delay element
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the effects of age on a selenium rectifier.
- Name the protective devices used in electrical systems and pneumatic systems.
- State the definition of a bistable device.
- List the functions of a static control device.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting DC Motors
Topics: Commutator discoloration; Brush sparking; Open winding; Vibration; Bearings; DC motor controls; Drum controllers
Learning Objectives:
- List causes of electrical and mechanical vibration in a dc motor.
- Explain how oil saturation affects brushes in a dc motor.
- Explain how maximum bearing operating temperature is determined.
- List problems in the motor control that can cause sudden or unexpected changes in motor speed.
- Explain how to salvage a water-soaked motor.
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting AC Motors
Topics: Grounded stator windings; Short-circuited and reversed phases; Open circuits; Incorrect voltage connections
Learning Objectives:
- Identify various kinds of three-phase motor failures.
- Demonstrate how to conduct a balanced-current test on a three-phase, Y-connected winding.
- List the symptoms of a reversed phase in a three-phase winding.
- Explain how to identify external leads that have become defaced.
- Demonstrate how to test for an open circuit in a split-phase motor.
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting Lighting Systems
Topics: Troubleshooting fluorescent, incandescent, mercury-vapor, and HID lamps; Low-voltage switching; Remote control; NEC requirements
Learning Objectives:
- Explain group replacement of lamps.
- Explain the function of a ballast.
- Describe an indication of normal fluorescent lamp failure.
- State the circumstances under which the number of relays used in a switching circuit may be a limiting factor.
- Explain how disconnecting hangers work.
Chapter 10: Saving Time in Troubleshooting
Topics: Tracing circuit problems; Equipment changes and modifications; Motor-location file
Learning Objectives:
- Name and describe the elements of a sequence of operation.
- List the features that must appear on an elementary wiring diagram to make it comply with JIC standards.
- List the steps in troubleshooting a new machine.
- List the information to be included in a motor location file.
- Select the best method for identifying a motor.
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