Basic Milling Procedures

Course Number: 826
The Basic Milling Procedures textbook covers the setup and use of the horizontal milling machine and describes the functions of basic cutters and attachments. It uses "hands-on" projects so students actually gain experience on the milling machine. It includes a work-holding fixture project that can have practical value in the shop when finished.
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Recommended Contact Hours – 8
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Using the Horizontal Milling Machine
Topics: Milling machine parts and functions; Vertical milling attachments; Speed and feed; Depth of cut; Lubricants; coolants
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the major parts of a universal horizontal milling machine and their functions.
- Define the use of a vertical milling attachment.
- Compute the milling spindle speed and the machine table feed rate.
- Install and align a workpiece in a V-block.
- Install and align a workpiece in a milling machine vise.
Chapter 2: Slab Milling Procedures
Topics: Slab milling cutters; Installing the arbor and cutter; Speed and feed selection; Depth of cut; Alignment; Trial cut; Rough milling; Finish milling cut
Learning Objectives:
- Select and install a slab milling cutter on a Style B arbor.
- Install a Style B arbor with cutter, spacers, key, and bearing sleeve into a horizontal milling machine.
- Complete a rough slab milling cut on a workpiece.
- Complete a finish slab milling cut on a workpiece.
Chapter 3: Milling Slots and Angles
Topics: Aligning cutter and workpiece; Milling a slot; Angle milling; Angular milling with a vertical milling attachment; Milling a dovetail
Learning Objectives:
- Mill a slot with the cutter in a horizontal and a vertical spindle position.
- Use a T-slot cutter in both a horizontal and vertical spindle position.
- Angle mill a bevel from both a horizontal and vertical spindle position.
- Use adapters for shank-type cutters.
- Cut a female dovetail in a workpiece using a dovetail cutter.
Chapter 4: Straddle, Side, and Face Milling
Topics: Selecting, mounting, and aligning the cutters; Machine setup; Making the first cut; Using trig functions for the final cut; Face milling
Learning Objectives:
- Select, set up, and align straddle milling cutters on a Style B arbor.
- Straddle mill a workpiece.
- Cut an angular step using a side milling cutter.
- Face the side of a workpiece with a shell end mill.
- Face a broad workpiece surface using a face mill.
Chapter 5: Milling Keyseats, Squares, and Flats
Topics: Keyseats for square and woodruff keys; Selecting and installing the cutter; Depth of cut; Speeds and feeds; Using automatic feed controls; Milling squares on round work; Milling tangs and flats
Learning Objectives:
- Select and install a standard Woodruff keyseat cutter.
- Mill a keyseat with rounded ends (for a square key) and a Woodruff keyseat (for a Woodruff key) in a workpiece.
- Make a plunge cut with a two-fluted end mill.
- Mill a square on the end of a shaft.
- Mill a tang and a flat on a cylindrical workpiece.
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